Saturday 30 August 2014

"The Human Brain"

We humans are blessed by nature and are the owner of an unbelievable piece of art , a standout and unbelievable work of engineering and perhaps the only most powerful and fascinating machines on the planet; ‘The Human Brain’. This fantastic equipment is designed specifically for us, so that we would use it to craft an astounding life. Besides its apparent look which seems nothing more than a clumsy piece of meat; it is in fact ten times more complex and more efficient than the best machines made by human himself. So complex that to this day in the twenty-first century when technology is at its peak, most of its incredible characteristics are still unknown to man.

Apart from its weight of a mere three pounds, contributing approximately 2% to our body’s weight, the brain contains nearly 100 billion cells (neurons). These neurons are connected and joined together to create over 1000 trillion synapses (neural connections). That is more than the stars which we have in our entire galaxy!

These 100,000 miles of neurons are constantly in motion working together 24/7 and 365 days a year, blasting messages at 268 mph in order to manage the body, mind, thoughts, behaviors, processing information, sending responses to other parts of the body for action and therefore, controlling human’s whole life.
Neurons are of three types each designed distinctively to assist the brain in carrying out its various functions, such as:-
·         Sensory neurons cells carry information from the sensory receptor cells through the body to the brain.
·         Motor neurons transmit information from the brain to the muscles of the body.
·         Inter neurons are responsible for communicating information between different neurons in the body.
If we take a look at our brain from its energy requirement point of view, well then our amazing brain represents a very expensive piece of equipment for us to maintain. Brain consumes 20 to 25% of our total energy expenditure for its cell-health maintenance and to fuel electrical impulses that neurons utilize to communicate with one another.

Our brain is just like a super computer that is continuously working, storing memory, supervising various life processes within our body and in fact controlling the human thinking and reactions. It features some extraordinarily complicated parts that scientists are still struggling to understand.

The human brain in reality is indeed a finest and unsurpassed piece of machinery. But, it’s our misfortune or we are just unlucky that although we are blessed with this inconceivable tool but do not have a user’s manual with it. This is the very reason why some of our scientists state that most of us use only a small fraction (approximately 10% to 25%) of our brain’s total capacity or are not using it effectively. Well if this fact is true then God knows what this world would be like if every one of us starts using our brain to its full capacity, it either may be heaven for some or hell for others!

However, due to advancement in technology and after a lot of research, scientists are now starting to explore this organ better, unraveling its amazing powers. Some of the interesting facts one might want to know about our Brain are:-

·         Brain is 75% water that is why when it is dehydrated, it slows down and becomes fuzzy long before you get the symptoms of thirst.

·         Our brain can generate between 10 and 23 watts of power, which is sufficient enough to power a light bulb.

·         Humans can’t tickle themselves because their brain differentiates between external and one’s own touch.

·         A thought is a physical pathway in the brain. The MORE you have that thought, the more its path is grooved and hence it is easier to have it again.
·         There are approximately 10 to the power of 60 atoms in the universe, whereas brain has 10 to the power of 1,000,000 different ways it can wire itself up.
·         Brain of a newly born child is always disproportionately large as compared to other organs of body.
·         If blood flow to brain is stopped for only 10 seconds, a man will be dead.
·         Human brain has no pain receptors; hence if top of skull is removed and brain is pricked no pain will be felt.
·         Brain never loses the ability to learn and change because it is effectively plastic and constantly rewiring itself.
·         Brain never sleeps and always busy in working hard i.e. pumping your heart, digesting your food, maintaining your blood pressure and much more to make sure you don’t wake up dead!
·         Brain has mirror neurons. If you see someone hurt at his foot, the same pain area will light up in your own brain causing you to flinch.

Our incredible mind can become our most valuable asset but there is a catch, one must effectively practice to learn, to master in order to tap into its amazing power, if not so, then our mind might become our biggest foe. Although it is still unknown how to actually tap into its astounding power, ‘Meditation’ seems to be the only option as it has been used for centuries by the most creative, intelligent and successful people in history (like Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison etc).
Meditation is a practice whereby an individual trains his mind or induces a state of concentration or higher consciousness so as to realize some benefits. Meditation can be used for relaxation, self realization, to attain higher states of consciousness, creativity and intelligence. Creating a meditation practice is neither difficult nor time-consuming or expensive. However consistency, regularity and discipline are its pre-requisites. As one gradually start to learn how to focus his mind and control his thoughts, he will find himself making better decisions, improving the quality of life and become a better person.

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