Saturday 30 August 2014

Drone's Negative Impact

Restoring sustainable peace in the society is becoming increasingly difficult for the government of Pakistan due to the adverse effect of drone strikes.
These continuous drone strikes are hampering the effectiveness of the government for ending the menace of terrorism. The drone strikes have caused considerable unrest among the people of tribal areas and especially Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The lives of many innocent of people have been lost. The people have been suffering greatly from serious problem like lawlessness and military operations from past many years. Thousands of people have been forced to leave their homes and live in camps. They are even deprived from the basic necessities like sufficient clean water.The people demand to put an end to these drones attack as majority of the victims are stated to be innocent but US in not eager to pay attention to any of such demands. Demonstrations are observed but no change.Prime 
minister has asked the US Defense secretary, Chuck Hegel to put an end to drone strikes as they are complicating the situation in the region. Already the Pakistani public and law enforcement agencies have scarifies in the war against militancy.

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