Saturday 30 August 2014

Birthday - A Reason to be Happy

On the previous Saturday we celebrated our small toddler's 5th birthday. We enjoyed a lot we played many games, burst balloons and in the end burst the big pranha filled with candies, sweets, chocolates and lollipops.There were many gifts given to my brother. Before the birthday i thought that i would take half of the gifts and hoped that the guests would give gifts which could also come in my use, so i started being good towards my brother so that he would easily allow me to use his gifts. My all expectations went wrong and my rude brother was more rude then before. Just when the party was over a question hit my mind that why do we celebrate birthdays. The next i researched on it and found the answer. I came to that birthday is celebrated to have fun.
Celebrating birthdays has many meanings which are
  • We are 1 year more closer to our death
  • 1 more year has past safe sound
  • i am (your age) now one year older then before

One of the important things without which the birthday is not completed the birthday song. It is mostly sung  when the cake is being cut or when the child is blowing up the candles. This "Happy Birthday to you" song was first written by Louisville sisters Patty and Mildred hill in 1890s.

Happy birthday to you 
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday Happy birthday you

This birthday song is known to every 5 year old child. It is sung in 153 movies and well known in English culture.

Every single religion has different views on birthdays for example

 Christians believe that birthday celebrations are portrayed in a negative light in the Bible and have historical connections with magic, superstitions, and PaganismSome Muslims consider the celebration of a birthday to be a sin, as it is considered an "innovation" of the faith, or bi'dah while other Muslims have issued statements saying that the celebration of a birthday is permissible.Hindus celebrate the birth anniversary day every year when the day that corresponds to lunar month or solar month (Sun Signs Nirayana System – Sourava Mana Masa) of birth and has the same asterism (Star / Nakshatra) as that of the date of birth. That age is reckoned whenever Janma Nakshatra of the same month passes.
Now do you get it why we celebrate birthdays. Well! in my views one should celebrate birthdays as it is a way to gather people and have fun. Especially for the teens to get some rest from their tough routine of studies

Drone's Negative Impact

Restoring sustainable peace in the society is becoming increasingly difficult for the government of Pakistan due to the adverse effect of drone strikes.
These continuous drone strikes are hampering the effectiveness of the government for ending the menace of terrorism. The drone strikes have caused considerable unrest among the people of tribal areas and especially Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The lives of many innocent of people have been lost. The people have been suffering greatly from serious problem like lawlessness and military operations from past many years. Thousands of people have been forced to leave their homes and live in camps. They are even deprived from the basic necessities like sufficient clean water.The people demand to put an end to these drones attack as majority of the victims are stated to be innocent but US in not eager to pay attention to any of such demands. Demonstrations are observed but no change.Prime 
minister has asked the US Defense secretary, Chuck Hegel to put an end to drone strikes as they are complicating the situation in the region. Already the Pakistani public and law enforcement agencies have scarifies in the war against militancy.

The Question Why ???

I was walking down the road when this melodious jingle forced me to stop. It was a "white reddish cellar". The very sight of that basket full of delicious radishes made my mouth watery
. I dug into my wallet and spend the next 15  minutes enjoying this unforgettably delicious snack. While i was engaged in eating i tried to decipher the lyrics of that radish seller's song ,when i did so i burst into laughter. The poor guy was giving a three word advice. "Friends do not drink water".
This song made me go back in time when my mother used to scold me if i drink water immediately after eating radish or in fact any fruit. It was believed that by doing so it would trigger a "throwing up" fit. This Temporary water ban made curious and question myself why ????????
We were also told not to eat watermelon in any part of he day except morning as it would cause stomach cramps. Fear was instilled into us not to drink milk after snacking on fish as it would lead to some sort of skin infection. But my curiosity always made me question why ?????
Although i have been able to apply some of these childhood taboos on my small brother being confronted by a question that takes me the wind out of me ,
the question is WHY ?????????????

Fifa World Cup 20014

The Flood lights are on, the Posters are put , the Fixtures are finalized, the Players are ready, the Teams have done their practice, the Stadiums are ready, the Administrations are done and the Brazilian stadiums are ready for the all important "FIFA WORLD CUP 2014". The legend ronaldinho's home country Brazil will host the world cup and it will obviously be a boaster to the Brazilian team .All the teams have reached the destination and now giving a final touch to their preparations in order to clash in heated derby for world cup glory. From Brazil to japan , from England to south Africa all eligible teams will participate in the world cup and try their level best to succeed i their mission. All the fans have big hopes for their countries. the mangers have planned the squad and working on them.Many teams including Spain japan Italy have qualified through to the world cup but on the other hand many didn't pass the qualifying rounds and now they just be spectators seeing the world cup and thinking that if they would have worked hard before they would
not have been just the spectators. The Brazilian government it self have made many preparations for the world cup as it is said that they have also made some new stadiums. The whole country is decorated with posters and banners.Not just Brazil but every country in the world is beautifully decorated ,trying to support their teams and providing them with hope, confidence, zeal and courage plus making them more and more enthusiastic and energetic for the competition.The 2014 FIFA World Cup will be the 20th FIFA World Cup that is scheduled to take place in Brazil from 12 June to 13 July 2014. It will be the
second time that Brazil will hosted the competition.The national teams of 31 countries advanced through qualifying round that began in June 2011 to participate with the host nation Brazil in the final tournament. A total of 64 matches are to be played in twelve cities across Brazil in either new or redeveloped stadiums, with the tournament beginning with a group stage. For the first time at a World Cup Finals, the matches will use goal-line technology.


What Students Want?

As the schools are off and the summer break is on, the only thing left to do for the kids is playing video games, watching movies , watching football matches and last but not the the least reading novel but reading is rare passion so we should erase right? For some people summer break is basically a three month guilt trip just sitting in front of the LED playing video games and doing other stuff all day n night and that guilt trip 
doesn't ends until your parents order you to give your self a break. If we compare the 2 vacations which we experience winter and summer most people will give more votes to summer as everyone knows what entertainment really means to the students of 2014. Even if you don't know read this passage once again and even then if you understand the only way left is to read this next phrase


                                                            PLAYING VIDEO GAMES



Got it! Just because weather is nice in winters everyone wants you to stay out playing and make your self warm which majority of the students doesn't like and if you don't spend every second out doors people think something is wrong with you. So in this case for some students winter break is for more worse then school.
So one thing is clear students love summer break more then the winters. but the problem is many parents and people think that the way this new generation is spending their free time is not what their health support and ultimately is harming them. Well the new style of spending vacations is of course harmful but on the other hand it also provides students with some benefits, many people especially the parents wont agree with the fact that playing video games is also sometime beneficial.

On one side playing video games is harmful as it weakens your eye side ,vanishes your interest towards studies and the most important thing it affects your mode and attitude as when you play violent games it immensely affect your attitude toward others you start becoming more greedy and violent. On small issues you start to get angry and want to fight with someone to take your revenge so this is what video games does to you. but these all things come in to action only on one condition which is when you exceed the limits and play games all day and night.On the other hand video games are also beneficial as it teaches you some skills which are no one teaches you even not the school. which is problem solving and finding new new ways of solving a problem. As when you play adventures and puzzle games it improves your problem solving skills and when one way is not working out in solving a problem, finding a new and better way of solving it. plus it also improves and fasten up your reflexes and not to forget it also makes the connection between your eyes and hand movements more fast and elastic.

So after all this we come to the conclusion that every thing has its good and bad points so experience every thing in the world. Do what ever you and your elders thinks is right but while doing all this just take care of only thing which is to be in the limits as EXCESS OF EVERYTHING IS BAD.

Fear is the Bone of Life

Fear is the bone of life what does it mean? Is fear a name of a bone in our body, is fear an organ in side our body without which we cant survive or is fear nothing just a superstition.This all what people might thing when they hear this phrase. Before going deep into the topic let me first tell what fear really is. Fear is an emotion introduced by a threat precived by living entities which show a sign of threat which in result affect our behavior, attitude, and then person starts to act weirdly like loosing confident not talking fluently and etc.
There many types of fear like fear of death, fear of loosing and fear of defeat. but the point is when fear is the bone of life then does this mean without fear we will not succeed? Yes!. Fear is an important part of your journey on the road to success. You might not understand its a quite complicated thing.

To make you more clear let me give you an example of traffic rules. If we would not have the fear of the police that they will force us to pay the fine ,we would not follow the traffic rules ,we will not stop on the red light, we will control our speed limit even if the speed limit board is requesting us to move at a slow speed. In result car accidents will occur and many loss of lives may occur. let me give you an another big example 

Why do we speak the truth to a person we don't know, why do we tell an unknown the right path to its destination when he is lost, why do we give gifts to others when we are not getting any reward from that particular person this all very complicated why do we work hard to earn money when its quite easy to do a robbery and get the double amount of money then we earned 
in the offices. If you take a closer look you will come to know that we all do good stuff because we have the fear of God that if we will do bad stuff we would suppose to pay for our actions. But is it true that we follow the rules ,do good stuff all because of fear? NO! beside the fact of fear we all do this stuff because we get a big reward for our actions and on the hand our God has made our brain in such a way that when we do something good we feel happy and satisfied on our actions and if we do some thing bad before and after the our action our instings tell us that we are doing something bad but the evil spiritual control over our body is more deep and strong then the good will spiritual control. so this is why FEAR IS THE BONE OF LIFE

After this you might think that this is the the end if the topic but it isn't the end real game has just begin.
The thing in which i am stuck is even when fear is the bone of life why do car accidents occur why do people do robbery, why do murders occur. This is the question on which i will like to end this article. but remember this topic is still not ended.

All that Glitters is not Gold

f you read this famous idioms you not might get its meaning right and many of you might predict that this famous idiom means all types of gold which seems like gold or glitters preciously isn't really gold many of them is artificial.
   But that not what it really means. before telling you its real meaning let me first tell you about the history of this phrase. This popular idiom is taken from one of the plays of the famous play writer William Shakespeare and the plays name was The merchant of Vince which says

All that glisters is not gold
often have you heard that told
many a man his life hath sold
but my out side to hold 

you might think why the play says glisters rather than glitters.Because in actual the real idiom says all that GLISTERS 
is not gold but people replaced the word glisters by its synonym glitters so from that time this idiom got famous as All that glitters is not gold.Now lets move forward and talk about the famous phrase's meaning. Gold is a very precious thing and has a lot of worth so when ever we see something like gold or Something appealing we quickly trust it but in the end we suffer. let me give an example in times of making new friends we have to go through every one and try to predict who is more loyal, more trust worthy and more likely to be a good friend. Many people try to judge people by their face but sometimes this prediction turn outs to be wrong. Many people with innocent faces turn out to be the worst friend.So all the people who seems innocent aren't really always innocent. Next time when you shift to a new settlement be careful in making a new friend and try not to judge him but instead try to know him from top to bottom before you make him your best friend.
Similarly another example is that when you go to a shop to buy some stationary like pencils ,pens or register. the shop keeper shows you 2 types of pencil one which is raped in the sticker of cartoons like Ben ten and the other which is simple all colored black.In this case if a child is given the authority to make his choice he or she would definitely chose the one with the Ben ten sticker. This is because the one with the Ben ten sticker seems more attractive to that child as ben ten are famous cartoons and the child would think that the pencil is as powerful as Ben ten. But that's not it! most of the time the pencils with some sticker over it aren't of a good quality so in this way the child get easily dodged.
so in the end I conclude that its unwise to judge something from its physical appearance try not to judge it but instead try to know it.

What is ...

                    for some people science is no more Then just a subject in the schools ciriculam. Just learning 4 to 5 topics for the exams and when they are over ...blank. On the other hand for some people science is more then their life, they take science as their Partner . which is good as, if you would study on science more then just your exams you would come up to the fact that science really is your life.

What is SCIENCE?  Science is the study of nature and its forces in compassing every thing  living and nonliving. Science is a systematic  enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge inform of testable explanations and predictions about the universe.  Science refers to the body of knowledge which can be rationally explained and reliably applied. Science is a branch of knowledge or study dealing with a body of facts or truth’s system systematically arranged and showing the operations on general laws. Is this all what science really is? No. Because if this all is science then science would just have been made for Albert Einstein ,Isaac newton, Louis pasture and many other famous pupils related to science. In common words science is all what is keeping us alive.

Science is an important part of our life. It is due to science that we have come to know about the world around us. It is due to science through which i am writhing this article. It is due to science that we came to know about different diseases and their cure. It is due to science that we were are not in the stone age today. It is due to science that we are able to move from one corner of the earth to the other in matters of hours.
Now let me tell you how science is keeping us alive. Science has made 
many fascinating inventions which has made our life much easier. There have been innumerable inventions. One of the greatest inventions is the invention of medicines. There has been a series of tests carried out using animals as subjects and various medicines have been tried out on these animals to check their efficacy. Many fatal diseases can now be cured because we have the drug to fight those diseases. It has reduced the rate of infant mortality and increased the life span. Before these inventions millions of people died for lack of medical care. If you gaze back to 1800 s and go to a doctor, tell him that i am infected by skin cancer and i want you to give me some medical help from so that i can live my life with no tension of this disease. That doctor would do nothing more that declaring you as a mental patient. So this proves some of the fact that science is keeping us alive.

Science has given us many machines that have made our lives very comfortable and calm. Buses, cars,ships, airplanes and etc are the machines through which we are able to move here and there much quicker and faster then before. Back in 19th century we were not even able to move from one city to another, it used to take about 2 or 3 days. But nowadays these machines have made traveling much easier and quicker. Not just people but instead today travelling is also being done for bussiness. Which means along with humans, freight is also being transported.  

The discovery of electricity one of the most important discoveries which has made it possible for us to change night into day and summer into a comfortable cool season. On the other hand it has enabled us to talk to our loved ones with much ease and comfort by just the help of one click.if you would gaze back to early 1600 s there were hardly any phones and people used to relay on letters to convoy their massage to family and friends.

It is now easy to cultivate fields as we have tractors. New forms of irrigation are now being developed. It is easier to protect the crops because of the use of various chemicals and pesticides. Even mosquitoes can be driven away because of the discoveries made in science. Because of all this now we can eat good and healthy food which is our main source of energy. In this case if people like Louis pasture and Isaac newton wouldn't have choose science as their profession we would have been probably dead today.
The truth is that science is such a vast subject, so vast that it is not possible to cover all its details and benefits which it has given to humanity in a mere 700 to 800 words but still its the majority of it, remember Science is not a living thing like us its just a subject or you can say a group of inventions which scientists discovered. Its the scientist who made science by discovering things and its our Allah who made the things who scientists discovered.